Listing for Article "Weekend Projects for Armchair Developers: TI Calculator Game" from Vintage Compting and Gaming ( (C) 2006 Hollow Earth Productions. [Note: "=/=" is a "not equal" sign.] :"Draws a room" :"and its exits" : :"Empty room" :Line(-10,-8,10,-8) :Line(-10,-8,-5,-1) :Line(10,-8,5,-1) :Line(-5,-1,5,-1) :Line(-5,-1,-5,10) :Line(5,-1,5,10) : :1->I:prgmLBRITHM : :If O=/=1 :Goto 1 : :"North Door" :Line(-2,-1,-2,7) :Line(2,-1,2,7) :Line(-2,7,2,7) : :Lbl 1 : :2->I:prgmLBRITHM : :If O=/=1 :Goto 2 : :"South Door" :Pt-On(.4,-5) :Pt-On(-.4,-5) :Pt-On(1,-5) :Pt-On(-1,-5) :Pt-On(1.25,-5.5) :Pt-On(-1.25, -5.5) :Pt-On(1.5, -6) :Pt-On(-1.5, -6) :Pt-On(1.75, -7) :Pt-On(-1.75,-7) : :Lbl 2 : :3->I:prgmLBRITHM : :If O=/=1 :Goto 3 : :"East Door" :Line(8,-4.75,8,3.25) :Line(8,3.25,6,6) :Line(6,-2,6,6) : :Lbl 3 : :4->I:prgmLBRITHM : :If O=/=1 :Goto 4 : :"West Door" :Line(-8,-4.75,-8,3.25) :Line(-8,3.25,6,6) :Line(-6,-2,-6,6) : :Lbl 4 : Listing for Article "Weekend Projects for Armchair Developers: TI Calculator Game" from Vintage Compting and Gaming ( (C) 2006 Hollow Earth Productions.