The Future of Retro Scan of the Week

Tuesday, February 16th, 2016

Retro Scan of the Week ScannerSince the tenth anniversary of Retro Scan of the Week a couple weeks ago, I’ve been thinking about the future of the column. I’ve received a lot of feedback from readers, and here’s what I’ve decided.

Looking through the “scan” folders on my computer, I realize that I still have a bunch of important scans that I’d like to share (there are actually hundreds already scanned but not published yet).

If I never post those scans, it’s unlikely that you will see them highlighted on the Internet any time soon. So from now on, I will switch from posting a new scan like clockwork every Monday (which I did for ten years, see above) to posting one whenever the mood strikes me, or perhaps when it ties in to current events.

“Retro Scan of the Week” will become “Retro Scan.”

I am also working on an exciting new feature for VC&G that can hopefully pick up where Retro Scan of the Week left off — at least in terms injecting new life into the site. So stay tuned. In the mean time, thanks for reading. I appreciate your support and your feedback.